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Selfish Christian is an oxymoron!

 II Corinthians 9:12-13
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.

Paul is writing to encourage the Corinthian church in their giving. While we oftentimes skirt around the issue of giving in the church, God's Word never avoids this most important act of faith. Paul says that when we give for God's work, the needs of people are met and our giving is a very real expression of our thanks to God. When we give, we are acknowledging that God owns everything and that everything we have doesn't belong to us in the first place. Giving is an expression of thanksgiving to our Provider.

Then Paul says something profoundly significant about giving. Generosity among believers reveals that they truly believe what they confess regarding the good news! People will praise God when they see authentic faith being lived out. There is no area revealing a lack of obedience among believers today like a lack of generosity. The gospel could literally be preached around the world, hunger alleviated, clean drinking water and an education could be provided for every child on the planet if just the Christians in America were generous!

 When Christians are generous, the world takes note that we really believe what we say we believe. Selfish Christian is an oxymoron! If we believe in a God who sacrificed everything at the cross for our salvation and if we truly trust the generous God who has given us everything, why would we not reveal our beliefs in our actions when it comes to our generosity?

Our confession of the gospel is empty and anemic if it is not accompanied by a lifestyle of generosity. If you took a polling of the people who know you best, would they describe you as a generous person? If you proclaim strong faith in Jesus and the good news today, is it expressed in the way you use your checkbook for the Kingdom?

 Heavenly Father, I am the recipient of Your extreme generosity! Save me from selfishness. Save me from white-knuckled greed. It does not match what I say I believe when I confess the good news of Christ. May my life be one of full surrender and extreme generosity. Amen.


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