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Showing posts from March, 2017

Light and Easy

MATTHEW 11:30  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  Christians often struggle in their walk with the Lord, but it should not be so. Have you ever thought, "It's so hard to be a Christian!"? I have. At one time I believed it was so difficult being a Christian that I had no motivation to tell others about the Lord. Living for Jesus just seemed too hard for normal people. How wrong and deceived I was! Never forget that the message about Jesus Christ is the gospel -- which means good news! If you are having a hard struggle, it's not because of what the Lord is requiring of you. The problem lies with yourself -- in ignorance, pride, or unbelief, which the Lord will help you overcome. Walking with the Lord is meant to be a joy, not a burden. Yes, there are trials and difficulties. But the Lord always helps us and delivers us. (Even if it results in martyrdom, we will be delivered!) Therefore, we can always trust in the Lord and rejoice in Him. When